A Suite of Environmental Resources Provided by EBSCO
EBSCO provides a diverse array of resources within the field of Environmental Studies, giving your end users a research advantage.

Databases (Full-Text Databases, Abstract and Index Databases)
- GreenFILE is a free research database covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Topics covered include global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more.
- Energy & Power Source emphasizes the importance of power consumption and conservation. Switching off all the lights when leaving the room and unplugging unused devices will have a positive impact not only on Earth but also on your wallet!
- Environment Complete highlights the various aspects of nature conservation. Saving water and using digital documents instead of printing them are just the beginning. Learn how to be more nature-friendly every day with Environment Complete.
- FSTA – Food Science and Technology Abstracts covers scientific and technological literature related to food, beverages, and nutrition. Managed by a team of expert scientists within IFIS, a not-for-profit academic organization.
- Veterinary Source is a collection of full-text scholarly journals and magazines devoted to all aspects of animal healthcare. It provides an essential resource for veterinarians, veterinary assistants, and students of veterinary science.
- CAB Abstracts with Full Text provides access to the world’s applied life sciences literature. Coverage includes subjects across the applied life sciences, from agriculture, the environment, and veterinary sciences to applied economics, leisure/tourism, and nutrition.
- Wildlife & Ecology Studies Worldwide is the largest index to literature about wild mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians. This database covers individual species, habitat types, wildlife behavior, ecotourism, and zoology.
- Fish, Fisheries & Aquatic Biodiversity Worldwide is essential for aquatic and marine biology research. It includes 12 of the world’s major fish and fisheries databases.
- Waters & Oceans Worldwide, an indexing and abstracting database, is an essential resource for water research, engineering, and oceanography institutes, as well as those involved in water supply, storage, and treatment.
EBSCO eBooks: Subject Sets
- Environment & Climate Change 2023: This subject set features e-books addressing top environmental concerns, including climate change, resource depletion, pollution, wildlife conservation, and environmental geosciences.
- Biology & Life Sciences 2024: This subject set features e-books covering various topics within the Biology and Life Sciences disciplines.
- Energy & Green Technologies 2024: This subject set features e-books covering the fields of green energy and sustainable development in relation to technological advances.
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